Companies from Mikhailovsk are not registered here! Register!

Below are the companies from neighboring towns.
TCC Kuban

Trucks and specialized: GAZ, URAL

Phone: +7 (861) 225-83-17

Address: Krasnodar, Rostov highway, 33 (map)


Sale of machinery, municipal vehicles, construction equipment, cranes, buses, GAZ, ZIL, LIAZ, NefAZ, PAZ, MAZ, KAMAZ, URAL, KRAZ, MWTP, bull.

Phone: +7 (861) 279-11-72

Address: Str. Novorossiysk, d. 236 (map)


We supply domestic appliances and spare parts to it: KAMAZ, GAZ, ZMZ, ZIL, URAL, KrAZ, UAZ, BelAZ, MAZ. Machinery and plant parts directly from the factory with a guarantee. We supply custom used commercial vehicles in Europe.

Phone: +7 (86342) 5-83-54

Address: 346 789, Rostov Region, Azov, st. Victory, 17, of. 313 (map)


-Tractors, bulldozers, excavators,

-Flour transport

Buses PAZ, KAVZ, LIAZ, GolAZ, Marz, MAZ, LAZ,

-Refueling of any type on cars, trailers and semitrailers;

-Gas fueling equipment;

Construction equipment, garbage trucks;

Phone: +7 (863) 300-54-04

Address: Rostov-on-Don, ul. Trolleybus, 24 / 2, off. 518 (map)

Ural trucks. All Mikhailovsk Ural trucks vendors are listed in business directory If you are a representative of a company that sells Ural trucks in Mikhailovsk or Mikhailovsk region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.

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